If You Build It, Moths Will Come

If Kevin Costner can make a baseball field for ghosts to play on then I should be able to build something to attract moths to land on, right? Well in the middle of a global pandemic, I did. 2020 marked the 9th National Moth Week , which is a citizen science project that allows people from all over the world to submit their photos and contribute to a growing database of moths. Did you know there are almost 11,000 species of moths in the United States alone? Most people think that butterflies are out during the day and moths only come out at night, but that's not completely true. There are some moths that are out feeding on flowers during the daytime. Also, the brighter colored moths are sometimes thought to be butterflies due to their vivid colors and size. A good rule of thumb, if you are wondering whether it is a moth or a butterfly, is to look at their antennae. If they are clubbed at the end, you've got a butterfl...